Looking forward to SESSION 2 of Summer Avalanche starting Monday, July 15th! #summeravalanche
8 months ago, Monongalia County Schools
Girl looking through binoculars with summer avalanche logo
From coding to gardening, there is something for everyone at Summer Avalanche!
8 months ago, Monongalia County Schools
Three photos of children at Bots class at North Elementary.
Photos of children at Little Green Thumbs at North Elementary.
Summer Avalanche transportation routes are available to view on the MCS Transportation site. Visit https://sites.google.com/boe.mono.k12.wv.us/mcstransportationdepartment/home
9 months ago, Monongalia County Schools
Yellow School Bus with white MCS Transportation Department
Reminder to view the 2024-25 At-a-Glance Calendar for early dismissals, school breaks, and more! Visit this link to view the calendar: https://5il.co/2q3ct
9 months ago, Monongalia County Schools
Orange backgournd with dark blue 2024-25 At-A-Glance Calendar
Welcome to our new website and mobile app! Visit the App Store today to download Monongalia County Board of Education. Receive notifications from all the schools you select!
9 months ago, Monongalia County Schools
Monongalia County Schools  Board of Education blue app icon with white and yellow logo