Monongalia County Schools Kindergarten Registration:
Enrolling Now for 2025-2026!
Click here to register: bit.ly/Kstudentinfo
Children must be 5-years-old by June 30th to register.
For additional information go to the MCS web page https://www.boe.mono.k12.wv.us/page/kindergarten-enrollment

Please note the following school calendar updates due to make-up snow days:
Wednesday, April 16 will now be a full day of instruction.
Thursday, April 17 will be a day of instruction with a 2-hour early dismissal

The future is 🔆bright🔆 for this month's Student Success Story! Check out Dr. Campbell's sit down interview with Seth Argabrite, a senior at MTEC and University High. 🩺💉https://tinyurl.com/mrxsfk5a

🍎This is a reminder that there will be a 2-hour early dismissal on Friday, March 14, 2025.

Take a look at this 💫DYNAMIC Co-Teacher Duo! 💫 Dr. Campbell surprised our newest "Mountain Movers" at Skyview Elementary. Click the link to learn more about Sam Jones and Alex Huff:

🍎Reminder: There will be no school for students on Monday, March 10, 2025.

🌟 Happy Instructional Assistant's Day! 🌟
Today, we celebrate and express our deepest gratitude to our incredible Instructional Assistants! 🎉💙 Your dedication, patience, and hard work make a world of difference in our classrooms every single day. #MonongaliaCountySchools

Monongalia County Schools celebrates our 11 Outreach Facilitators and the💥 IMPACT💥 they make in the lives of our students and families every single day! Thank you for the heart, dedication, and difference you make in our schools! 💛👏 #SSWWeek2025 #monongaliacountyschools

Reminder: General Registration for Summer Avalanche closes on Friday, February 28th. Visit our school websites to register or to find out more about this amazing summer program offered June 30-July 24th. https://www.boe.mono.k12.wv.us/page/summer-programs

🎉Congratulations to the Monongalia County Young Writers Contest Winners! Each 1st place winner is entered into the WV Young Writers Contest and will be invited to attend WV Young Writers Day in Charleston, WV on May 2, 2025. State winners will be announced March 17-21, 2025. https://5il.co/38jvm

Reminder: There is a scheduled 2-hour early dismissal for all Monongalia County Schools on Monday, February 24, 2025.

All Monongalia County Schools will now be holding an Arctic Academy Day today, Thursday, February 20, 2025.

Due to weather conditions, all Monongalia County Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay on Thursday, February 20, 2025.

Due to weather conditions, all Monongalia County Schools will be CLOSED on Monday, February 17, 2025.

March 17 and 18 are days of instruction!

****Update: ****Monongalia County Schools will now have an ARCTIC ACADEMY DAY today, Wednesday, February 12.

🍎 If your child is feeling unwell, watch for symptoms like fever, cough, and lethargy. Click the link to view MCS' protocol for when your child has the flu and/or a fever over 100°F.

🏆Check out Dr. Campbell's surprise visit to Clay Battelle Middle/ High School where he presented Christie Dawson with the Mountain Mover Award.

🌟🌟Visit South Middle School with Superintendent Campbell as he features two stellar students in this month's Student Success Story. https://tinyurl.com/35usjvd7

🎉Congratulations Monongalia County Schools' Math Field Day winners and participants! Students were amazing competitors who showed academic prowess and terrific sportsmanship! Many will advance to the Regional Math Field Day.
View the results at this link: https://5il.co/36ref